Monday, July 23, 2007

Piper on Bonhoeffer on Community

I recently ran across this Piper sermon again and it reminded me of when I myself read Bonhoeffer's Life Together. I read it not long after I left the institutional church in 2003. I borrowed it from Lewie so I wasn't able to keep it for reference, but I remember that it resonated with me. I read The Cost of Discipleship when I was in Brazil and both books are imminently quotable (although sometimes meandering).

Piper's sermon struck a chord with me because "helping each other endure to the end" (as Piper puts it) is something to which I pointed in Discipleship and the Institution as one of our greatest privileges and responsibilities (in the "why is this important?" section). I recommend reading (or listening to) Piper's exhortation as I think it is of particular relevance to our community.

It is clear from the sermon text that Piper is encouraging the service attendants to become part of a "small group." I have listened to countless hours of Piper's sermons and read many more (he was a life-line to me while I was in Brazil). I have found Piper to be very consistent in his emphasis on love and relationships. More than any other "preacher" I have heard (except for Lewie) I believe he understands the New Testament's emphasis on love (exhibit a). This emphasis (among other factors) leads me to believe that despite Piper's clear institutional affiliation he would heartily approve and encourage our efforts to be the church. But I digress.

Does anything from his sermon stick out to you guys?

1 comment:

  1. We just has a similar post on our blog ( the same sermon by Piper.

    A statement made by the author was "...lack of encouragement, or being discouraged, leads to a kind of emphysema or arteriosclerosis within our soul; encouragement is necessary for life." Which I believe these necessary things are only found in relationship with God and other followers in community.
